This post is late as usual. Cole is 5 months old! This was a HUGE month for Cole. I think he grew so much. We will have to wait until his 6 month appointment for exact numbers, but I estimate 27 inches long and maybe 16-17 lbs.
Cole endured quite a bit this month. His first Christmas. A new home. He can (kind of) sit up and (kind of) put his pacifier in his mouth. He is eating rice cereal at night, and now falls asleep on his own for naps. Cole still loves to stand and march when you hold him. It's hilarious!
The supposed "Four Month Sleep Regression" is real. I rolled my eyes hearing friends talk about it before...secretly thinking that Cole is a great sleeper... it won't happen for us. HAHAHA. Good joke, Mom. Cole went from sleeping 11 hours, eating once in between to sleeping 11 hours, but waking up hourly for the the pacifier and would eat once, sometimes twice. Yikes! Maybe he was sensing my stress from trying to pack and move, but we have been quite settled for a few weeks. Parenting continues to refine my character and trust in the Lord's provision for energy, rest, joy, contentment and most of all, flexibility! What a rigid planner I was pre-Cole.
Love this baby so much. Can't imagine life without him. Here are the milestones and best memories from Cole's 5th month.
What are these things?? |
Loves that mirror. |
Time with buddy Jack! |
First taste of rice cereal. (nasty btw) |
So close to rolling over...... Cole still loves the jungle. |
Overstimulation Station/ADD Machine. Cole loves it! |
Such a gangster in the bumbo. |
Watching football with my Dad! |
These faces are HILARIOUS. Love this boy!!! |
I can sit! For a brief moment... |
This time reading and praying with Dad every night melts my heart. |