Oh mercy, this has been a challenging 3 weeks. I still can't complain...this pregnancy has been so easy and uncomplicated compared to several of my friends and stories I have heard. But I have slowed down quite a bit!
I have been going to the doctor every week now...all is healthy and on track to deliver this baby. I am one centimeter and effaced at least 50%. My consistent, painful Braxton Hicks that I get ALL the time mean nothing, and I had to turn down the most tempting offer of all time!! My doctor offered me an induction at 39 weeks. The practice I go has at least 10 doctors, and she likes to be at her patients' deliveries. I could have said 'YES' to meeting our son TODAY! Talk about feeling like Eve in the Garden of Eden. I would love to close the book on this season and begin our new adventure as parents, but I also really want to experience going into labor and hopefully have a more positive experience than Pitocin would offer....
So, Tom and I decided we will wait until after Cole's due date (August 20) to induce. I don't really care if my doctor is there. I just hope I get to go into labor on my own before then! But that was not an easy decision! I have had enough of this pregnancy experience!!!
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I will add a 40 week picture if we get there... hopefully my 9 month season of self portraits is over...?!?!?! |
The Positives:
Still no stretch marks. Blood Pressure is normal. Swelling isn't bad...I can still see my ankles. Weight gain is still on track (but I will be pumped to see those numbers go back down!). I can still go on 3 mile walks without waddling or peeing, but it feels like I ran uphill 9 miles afterward.
The Not-So-Positives:
Sleeping is still all right. I wake up usually 2-3 times to pee, but it is so painful to get out of bed! I usually wake up to Braxton Hicks, which make it quite challenging to roll out of bed with my stomach contracting. When I wake up, my fingers are swollen and my joints are super stiff for a few hours. I feel like an old man! I still have heartburn, but I think it is getting better as Cole drops. I have hemorrhoids. Yuck. I just use baby wipes and keep up the fiber intake. My back is sore. My ribs on my right side are sore. My boobs are sore. and huge. (but that is sure to stick around if I can nurse Cole)! Oh, and I also think I am in labor at least every other day. Shame on me, but it is so hard to not read into every possible sign of labor. Sigh. I am trying to trust in the Lord's timing in these last few weeks, but it is so hard!!!
Well, lets just say WE ARE READY TO MEET YOU COLE! I have cleaned things I've never cared about (garage, fridge, pantry...what???!!!). I made and froze enough meals to last us until Christmas. I have no idea what I will do with myself next week. Hopefully, I will not get crazy enough to touch the baseboards or detail the cars.
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