Thursday, March 13, 2014

My First Paid Gig!

This little blog design hobby of mine has provided me some cash lately! I have created a couple more blogs.  The first one was for one of my closest friends, Lyndsey.  She and I used to teach together at Lee! This family has some incredible talents.  Filming. Photography. Crafting. Sewing. Building.  (She made our Christmas stockings!) It's unreal. But making a blog was not in those talents, so I was enlisted.  I did Lyndsey's for free... but then she referred me to her sister Graysen, who also is into filming and wanted to spotlight her work. And she paid me!

Both of these blogs taught me so much more... I learned how to create and add social media icons, custom tabs to match the headers/logos and embed vimeo files that actually play! I am planning to use the money to buy Photoshop Elements.  I've been creating all my graphics and logos on MS Word.  Which is getting a little ridiculous. Enjoy the blogs and these talented ladies!

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