This weekend for Father's Day, we ignored all parenting wisdom and packed up our sick baby to head to Houston. If you are going to be miserable and exhausted anyway, might as well be with people you love! We stayed at Matt and Rachel's and spent lots of time with Emily and her new handsome fellow, Chris. (We approved, by the way. He is awesome!)
Cole ended up not getting a fever again that weekend, so we were glad we went!
Cole played his maracas all the way to Houston, and Tom safely ate his favorite Whataburger sandwich.
Late night playtime with Rachel. |
Pass the pigs! Cole loved those little pink fellows. |
Good job Matt! |
Early morning snuggles. And wild hair. |
LOVE my sweet friends. So thankful! |
Pedicures! |
Family. Again, so thankful. |
World's best game? Reverse Charades. I haven't laughed that hard for that long...ever! I can't wait to play it again.
Steaks and corn on the cob! Delicious! |
Rachel and I did some crafting
Cole can't wait to play ball with the boys. |
Happy Father's Day to Tom! We are so blessed, so thankful and so loved by him! |
And lastly, here are the pictures that made it on Tom's first Father's Day card. Tom asked me if I put the balls back in the boxes. HA!
love seeing all the pictures again! Let's play Reverse Charades in July for sure!