We love the big lot our house is on! Can't wait to see Tom and Cole running around and playing soccer all over this yard.
Planning to:
- Paint stair banister
- Plant floors in big pots by front door
- Plant something (??) along garage/walkway
- Trim Dr. Suess-ish oak trees
Backyard! We love it! I have so much fun sitting and reading with Cole outside. So thankful for this fun space.
This weekend we removed the vegetable beds. Figured we ought to learn how to take care of grass first... But the peach and plum trees are staying! They are already blooming, crazy Texas weather.
Tom wants to restain the deck and fence, and eventually add a bench around the right side. We would also like some patio furniture. In time. :)
Our bedroom! Love that its downstairs. I thought it would be a pain with Cole upstairs, but if you are up at 3am anyway, a few stairs doesn't really make that any worse. haha!!
Planning to:
-Hang some curtains and more pictures
-Paint...maybe a darker tan or grey
-Restain and update our furniture (eventually...)

Living Room! We have already painted and decorated most of it. And we replaced that terrible white fan this weekend.
But there are some major changes coming soon......
- Putting hardwoods in probably within the next couple weeks!
- Adding the matching loveseat
- Our $100 Ikea table has endured quite a bit. I still love it, but we will eventually upgrade that too.
Dining Room! We don't use this room too much, but we've painted and just need to hang a few things. Hardwoods are also going to be installed there.
All done. Tom put the knobs and handles in. I am still working on cleaning the stove top and oven. Yuck. But we are pleased :)
Playroom/Office: Our favorite room in the house! A big fat mess, but that is how it is supposed to be. :) We still need to hang things, but no plans to make this any fancier.

To be continued...!
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