Monday, July 28, 2014

The First Trimester...round 2

I am well out of the first trimester, but am I going to try oh so hard to be as consistent with this baby and pregnancy as I was with Cole!!
Things seem to be going the exact same as they did with my first pregnancy.  I was nauseous mostly during weeks 6-8, exhausted early in the pregnancy, no super weird cravings...well maybe french fries. But that's not weird.  I think I just say "YES" a little easier than in a non-pregnant circumstance.

It's stinkin' hot here, but still trying to walk or do workout videos. Shawn T's T25 is my current favorite.  I also consider painting a workout, which I seem to be doing way more than I should around here...

Cole is super sweet saying, "Mommy, Daddy, Cole, Baby" all the time, even in his crib before he falls asleep. He seems overly confident that the baby is a "BOY!!!!" He loves to pat my belly and give it kisses, and he has finally stopped touching other peoples' bellies and saying "baby!" ... haha!!

8 weeks and 12 weeks!

7 and 9 weeks pregnant

11 and 13 weeks pregnant


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